So this was a stretch in the early 80’s. The “f word” was used in the hook. But it’s not that I want to get fu*&ed up, it’s that I want to get more fuc*&d up. I thought it was insightful.
Anyway, it’s just raw base and drums with vocals. The drums have the kick on the upbeat. The toms create the downbeat in the verse. The base is all thumb popping. Very percussive.
It’s rock. The drummer speeds up in the hook while the base player just swings up and down like a roller coaster. The drummer, third time around, does the unthinkable and slows down. It’s like the tape is caught in the player and time is dragged. Turns out he was trying to double-time his foot, and at the tempo just totally lost time. But it’s perfect given the title. It ends nowhere. It’s pretty f’ed up.
A favorite part is the band arguing at the beginning. I usually did the recording and captured:
[Steve] “What are you doing Ron”?
[Ronny] “I’m getting into the feel”?
[Max] “That’s not punk, punk is clean guitars, and a lesser ego”.
[Jack] “I found this book of all these …”.
[Ronny] “Lesser? I gotta build up my ego”.
[Max] “Lesser”.
[Count in] 1, 2, 3, 4, Da da da da Da da da da …